Salutations, fellow bunny enthusiasts! We're going to talk about something today that might sound unusual at first, but it's crucial to understand when it comes to our animal friends: The actions of rabbits during tsunamis . Yes, you read that right: tsunamis. It's important to know how rabbits react to natural calamities, even though it might surprise you to hear that they genuinely do surf the waves. The Unspoken Challenges: Envision a peaceful coastal community where rabbits happily hop around in their burrows. A tsunami alert is suddenly issued. Is it possible for rabbits to even understand what a tsunami is? It's true that animals, even our cuddly buddies, have a remarkable capacity to predict impending tragedies. But it's possible they're not watching the weather report. Rabbits are sensitive to even the smallest changes in their environment, just as other animals. They have the capacity to perceive vibrations in the earth and variations in air pressure. I...